Archives in the Digital Age

Research seminar series: Archives in the Digital Era: Reshaping of Humanitiesafis_diacritic
Organizer: Dana Jalobeanu

The purpose of this series is to investigate the several ways in which archival and manuscript investigations have contributed to substantial shifts and transformations in the history (and historiography) of science and philosophy. The seminar series will put together researchers coming from different fields and will encourage interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches.  The seminar series is addressed to a highly specialized audience – researchers coming from fields such as history, philosophy, history and philosophy of science, languages, history of religion, history of science, theology and religious studies.

9 April 2015: Sven Dupré (Max-Planck-Institut Berlin) “Doing it Wrong. The Translation of Artisanal Knowledge and the Codification of Error”

15 January 2015: Enrico Pasini (University of Torino) “Early Modern Theories of Passions and the European Mind”

20 November 2014: Conf. dr. Vlad Alexandrescu, dr. Mihnea Dobre, dr. Grigore Vida: Manuscrisul 2001 de la Biblioteca Mazarină. Un exercițiu de istorie intelectuală în jurul scrisorilor lui Descartes despre Euharistie

30 October 2014: Angus Vine (University of Stirling), Iordan Avramov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences & NEC), Dana Jalobeanu (University of Bucharest), Oana Matei (Vasile Goldis Arad & University of Bucharest): Archives in the Digital Age: Reshaping the Humanities