Memory: From Brains to Narratives

In Greek mythology, memory—the goddess Mnemosyne—was the mother of the muses, thus having complete power over time, imagination, and all cultural activities. Since then, ordinary people as well as scholars have been intrigued and preoccupied with the power and place of memory, in its different types and forms. In recent years, the study of memory, both in its sociocultural aspects and collective manifestations, has determined the apparition of a transdisciplinary domain of social research, generally known as Memory Studies.

The seminar Memory: From Brains to Narratives is convened by Dr. Lorena ANTON, being constructed as an opportunity for interdisciplinary discussions between specialists in medical humanities and social sciences. Its aim is to bring together and deconstruct past and present ideas about the place of memory in human history, and to open doors towards the future of its contemporary evolution.

Contact: Lorena Anton – lorena.anton(at)

Program 2016:

(S1) Tuesday, June 7 (15h30 – 17h30): Dr. Marius Stanciu, Extracranialism – Can Technology Substitute Internal Memory?

(S2) Tuesday, June 14 (15h30 – 17h30): Dr. Lorena Anton, Ageing, Memory and Wellbeing in Rural Romania

(S3) Tuesday, June 21 (15h30 – 17h30): Dr. Diana Stanciu – Memory and Consciousness: A Few Philosophical Intuitions

The seminar will re-open in November 2017

Program 2017:

(S4) 2nd week of November, 2017 (Thursday 09/11, 15h00-18h30):
Dr. Lorena ANTON (Universitatea din București, IRH-ICUB): Stay Close, My Past? On Memory, Intersubjectivity and Reproduction Control in Post-communist Romania

(S5) 4th week of November, 2017 (Thursday 23/11, 15h30-17h30): Dr. Rodica ZANE (Universitatea din Bucuresti-Facultatea de Litere): ‘Mihai Pop si constructia etnologiei ca domeniu academic in Romania post-comunista: istorie, memorie, traditie’

(S6) 1st week of December, 2017 (Thursday 07/12, 15h30-17h30):
Dr. Marius-Gabriel Hâncean (Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Sociologie): Cancelled

(S7) 3rd week of December, 2017 (Thursday 21/12, 15h30-17h30):
Dr. Nancy S. Jecker (University of Washington – School of Medicine, Department of Bioethics & Humanities): Preserving Dignity in Dementia

The seminar will re-open in November 2018

Program 2018:

(S8) 2nd  week of November, 2018 (Thursday 15/11, 18h00-20h00): Dr. Lorena ANTON (Universitatea din București, IRH-ICUB) & Dr. Rodica ZANE (Universitatea din București – Facultatea de Litere) #Centenar. Memory as anthropological/ethnological fieldwork: two case-studies.

(S9) 4th week of November, 2018 (Thursday 29/11, 18h00-20h00): Dr. Constantin Ovidiu Verdeș (Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Litere): ‘To Whom Do You Belong, Boy!_. Memory and Narration, or The Patronymic Complex in The Works of Marin Preda

Master-class Memory: From Brains to Narratives, Tuesday, November 27, 2018, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Room 205
Organizers: Lorena ANTON (IRH-ICUB) & Rodica ZANE (University of Bucharest-Letters)

#Centenar. Mihai Pop – 111 years three memory-projects for Romanian ethnology

(S10) 2nd week of December, 2018 (Thursday 13/12, 18h00-20h00): Dr. Laura Bisaillon (University of Toronto, IRH-ICUB Visiting Professor): Researching Migrant Materialisms to Correct Official Narratives: Memories of Being Tested for HIV to Immigrate to Canada

Master-class Memory: From Brains to Narratives, Tuesday, December 11, 2018, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Room 314 (14h00-16h00.)
Organizers: Lorena ANTON (IRH-ICUB) & Rodica ZANE (University of Bucharest-Letters)

Social memory, migration and bio-politics: different fieldworks, different contexts

(special invite: Laura Bisaillon, University of Toronto – Migration and Medical Inadmissibility: Dilemmas within Canada’s Immigration System)