Lee Basham (South Texas College): Media and government investigation in democracies: How toxic truths subvert them

Date: Monday, 21 November, 18h00

Lee Basham (South Texas College)

Media and government investigation in democracies: How toxic truths subvert them –  The epistemology of conspiracy theory and the sometimes problematic nature of confidence in mainstream media and government investigation, particularly the problems of “toxic truths”.

Lee Basham is an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at South Texas College, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley. He is the author of “Living with the conspiracy” (2001), “Global malevolent conspiracy” (2003), “Conspiracy theory and rationality” (2011), and the forthcoming papers “Joining the conspiracy” and “Conspiracy theory phobia” (co-authored with Juha Räikkä. He and Matthew R. X. Dentith are also the joint authors of two opinion pieces, “Bad thinkers? Don’t be so gullible” (2015) and “Social Science’s Conspiracy-Theory Panic: Now They Want to Cure Everyone” (2016).

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