Rethinking Disease. New Theoretical Foundations for Clinical Treatment, 10 November 2017

Rethinking Disease orarOrganizers: Dr. Alexandra Pârvan (University of Pitești) and Professor Jennifer Radden (University of Massachusetts, IRH-ICUB Visiting Professor)

Spanning the disciplines of psychiatry and philosophy, medicine and the humanities, this one-day conference introduces new ways to construe psychiatric categories from a “post-psychiatry” viewpoint, one that looks beyond DSM and ICD-type approaches, and traditional explanatory models, towards a focus on person-centered clinical care informed by sociology of knowledge, medical anthropology, metaphysics, phenomenology and art.

The contributors, their titles, the schedule, and the intended focus of the event can be found below:

10.30-11.10 Professor Jennifer Radden (University of Massachusetts, IRH-ICUB Visiting Professor) “Orthodox disease concepts and mental disorder”

11.20-12.00 Professor Heinz Katschnig, MD, (Medical University of Vienna) “Are psychiatrists an endangered species? Observations on internal and external challenges to the profession”

12.10-12.50 Dr. Alexandra Pârvan (University of Pitești), “Treating the person: the (in)utility of clinical categories of disease, and an approach informed by metaphysics and art”

13.00: Lunch

14.00-14.40: Professor Ion Copoeru (IRH-ICUB/Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj), “Categorization as a form of violence (the case of addiction)”

14.50-15.30: Dr. Valentin-Veron Toma, MD (Institute of Anthropology „Fracisc I. Rainer”, Romanian Academy), “Beyond Reductionism: Culture, Psychiatry and Mental Illness”

15.40-15.50: Coffee break

15.50-17.50: Discussion

The aim of the workshop is to open the floor to extended discussion after the delivery of the papers, exploring the challenges involved in „rethinking disease”, treatment, and clinical care as a profession, and inviting a range of perspectives. Psychiatrists, medical doctors, philosophers, clinical psychologists, and scholars interested in the cross-fertilization of medicine and the humanities are welcome to attend and engage in the in depth discussion, which we hope will have an impact on how care is delivered in clinical settings.

If you wish to attend, please register by sending an email to:  alexandra_parvan (at )